Show Special:

Daily Hunting & Tactical Gear Deals - $ave BIG Daily Deals. Back to Back Deals on Hunting Gear

Business: 801-676-9631
Daily Hunting Deals So Big You'll Get Trigger Happy is all about bringing you back-to-back deals on top-quality hunting products at prices well below retail. We strive to bring in gear from the best brands that every hunter wants and offer it at a ridiculously low price. Unlike most hunting websites that offer a full catalog of items, Camofire is unique in that the products listed on our site change constantly. Each product has limited quantity and limited time to “Pull the Trigger”.

How it Works
Each night at 11pm Mountain Time, we start out with the next day’s first deals. How long each hunting deal lasts depends on one of two things; the countdown timer and the inventory bars, both of which can indicate the deal is almost gone. Watch the timer to see when the current deal will end, but don’t forget to keep your eye on the inventory bars. These meters show what has been sold as they move from completely green, to red, to SOLD OUT.

Once the inventory options have sold out or the timer runs out, the deal is gone.

See the short video above to see how works, then click HERE to view our current deals! Check back daily!

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