We are pleased to announce that our 2nd Online Outdoor Expo has been scheduled for February 2021. Six Virtual Exhibit Halls, Show Specials, Door Prizes, Product Showcases, Virtual Webinars, Celebrity Guest Speakers, Online Contents, and much more.

2021 Live Expo Event Dates

February 26-28, 2021

The American Sportsman Expo is the world's first and only Online Outdoor Sport Show - a unique, virtual Expo where sportsmen come together to book hunting and fishing trips, shop for the latest hunting, fishing, archery, shooting, and outdoor gear from hundreds of exhibitors, and rally to support our outdoor heritage.

Our inaugural event held in February 2014 was deemed a modest success - maybe a bit before it's time. 150 Exhibitors participated in our inaugural event where we gave away Door Prizes totaling over $200,000. Fast forward 6 years to the current date - the time is definitely right for this online outdoor expo given that the technology for conducting "virtual" events is now mainstream and in use in all walks of life.